Main Window
Npro's main window displays the general process simulation & optimization information of the project:

The columns used are described as follows:
§ | Namem The name of the program as set within NX. |
§ | Opti: Displays a green check mark if optimization is enabled for the selgct program program/o eration. |
§ | Simu: Displays a green check mark if simulation is enabled for the select program program/operation. |
§ | Status: Displays the status of the simulation/optimization results. |
§ | Ref Time: Displays the current, unoptimized machining time for the select program/operation. |
§ | Opt Time: Displays the new, optimized machining time for the select program/operation. |
§ | Prod %: Displays the new increased/decreased production percentage. Npro will decrease productivity if incorrect feeds were originally entered. |
§ | Settings: Displays a brief overview of the program settings. |
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