
Virtual CNC is a comprehensive virtual simulation software package, developed for predicting the performance of a realistic and modular CNC system in a computer simulation environment.

It can be used as a learning tool, as well as an optimization tool for a real CNC system. Furthermore, Virtual CNC assists users in the axis feed drive and controller design.

Virtual CNC has the following features:

· Definition of new 3-Axis and 5-Axis machine.

· Creating tool path or loading a saved tool path file (CL file or APT file.)

· Configuring the trajectory generation including the kinematic profile, interpolation type and smoothing type.

· Flexible ball screw feed drive design and analysis.

· Allow to try out various feed drive design alternatives, control laws and sensors with different resolutions.

· Advanced analysis of frequency analysis, axis tracking error and contour error.

· Allow to export the simulation results including the axis tracking error and contour error.

How to install and run Virtual CNC?

How to load example files?

How to export the simulated results?